Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bzz Campaign -Summer grilling with Kroger

Hello everyone:

This is another bzz campaign. This time I had to review some of the Kroger products. 

Products:  Kroger ground beef patties - 93% lean - 7% fat
                Kroger sliders enriched mini buns


We cooked the burger patties in the pan, we didn't add any oil and we seasoned them with salt and pepper. They were cooked fast and even. The flavor was great like the ral beef does, no greasy and we really enjoy eating them. Great after taste and most important,  after you eat these burgers you feel full but they are not heavy on your stomach, it's because they have just little fat in it. The bread tastes delicious, fresh, great flavor and really soft. 

Burgers have cheese, spinach, roma tomatoes and balsamic and honey dressing.

My husband ready to kill those burgers!

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